Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Ultimate introduction to Merb

Hello Merb

Why Merb?

Merb is a Mode-View-Controller (MVC) web-based framework that takes a slightly different different approach to web development compared to that other Ruby web framework, Ruby On Rails. With Merb you can choose your ORM (DataMapper, Sequel and ActiveRecord), template engine (Haml or eRuby).

From Install to "Hello World"

  1. Install Merb and it's dependencies

    To install Merb, all you need to run is

    sudo gem install merb --include-dependencies

  2. Generate your Merb application

    To generate a your Merb app's folder (in this case, we'll call our app "merbtest"), all you need to run is

    merb-gen app merbtest
    This will generate all of the base files and folders for your Merb app.

  3. Fire your app up

    Technically, at this point you can fire your app by just running

    from your app's root. By default, you'll be able to access your app at http://localhost:4000. You will get the default "Welcome to Merb" page which also tells us, amongst other things, how to get rid of this page (This page also happens to be the 404 page. You can view it in the app/views/exceptions folder).

  4. Setup your routes

    Your route configuration will take place in the config/router.rb file. Like Rails, you get the default route of ":controller/:action/:id" which is fine unless you have a number of "resource" routes and you want to prevent GET requests from hitting your create and destroy methods (or any other method you want to be only accessible via POST). For the purpose of this introduction to Merb, let's set a specific route for our controller we have yet to create. Comment out the r.default_routes and add this route:

     r.match('/hello').to(:controller => 'hello', :action => 'show') 
    . This will map any requests sent to localhost:4000/hello to the hello controller's show method. I guess we should go create that controller.

  5. Creating Controllers

    To create the "Hello" controller, run

    merb-gen controller hello --testing-framework rspec 
    Telling the generator what testing framework you're using lets merb generate the related test files which in our case would be a spec file for our controller and helper we just created. Run
    merb-gen controller
    if you'd like to see the other optional flags.

    Now that we have a controller, all we need to do is define our show method and create the associated view template. Add this to your Hello controller

    def show
    @hello = 'hi'
    and this to your app/views/hello/show.html.erb file:
     say <%= @hello >  
    and that's it.

  6. Setting up your ORM

    As far as ORM's go, I've been wanting to try Sequel, so let's run with that. to install it, run:

    sudo gem install merb_sequel
    and in your config/init.rb add or uncomment

    use_orm :sequel

    Now we have Sequel ready and willing. Run merb in your app root to have Sequel create a sample database.yml in your config folder you can copy from. Your database.yml file will need to look something like this:

    :development: &defaults
    :adapter: mysql
    :database: merbtest_development
    :username: root
    :host: localhost

    <<: *defaults :database: merbtest_test
    <<: *defaults :database: merbtest_production

  7. To actually populate the database we'll need a model and an actual migration to set our table up. Let's start with the model. Run

    merb-gen model book
    And now we have our model and model spec file. To generate our first migration just run

    merb-gen migration add_books_table --orm sequel
    Or, at least it should create the migration for you. When I wrote this, I wasn't getting any migration files created. If you don't get any migration files, create it! Either way, your schema/migrations/001_add_books_table.rb file should have the following:

    class AddBooksTable < Sequel::Migration
    def up
    create_table :books do
    primary_key :id
    varchar :title, :author
    timestamp :created_at
    text :description

    def down
    execute 'DROP TABLE books'

    To actually run the migration, all you need to do is run

    rake sequel:db:migrate
    I'll leave the actual populating of the database with actual data as an exercise for the reader :)

Merb Resources
Like what you see and you want to learn more? Here are a few useful Merb links and resources that will help you get further:

Official Merb site:
Official Merb Documentation:
Official Merb Discussion Group:
Merb IRC rm: #merb on
Merb Source:
merb-core: git clone git://
merb-more: git clone git://
Merb Community News/Tutorials:
Merb tutorials, screencasts and news: Merbcast
Popular Merb ORMs
Alternative (to ERB) template engine:


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